Amwins Re, LLC (formerly THB Intermediaries, LLC) is a national brokerage specializing in the placement of facultative property and casualty reinsurance and program administration. Since its creation in 1984, the company has been a recognized leader in this specialized market segment operating through its strategically located offices in New York, Hartford, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles.

Facultative brokers are “risk specialists”, placing the most difficult account exposures such as windstorm, flood and earthquake in the property sector and workers’ compensation, general liability and auto liability in the casualty sector. Amwins Re is fundamentally different from other brokerages in this segment. Unlike our facultative competitors, who serve as service centers for a larger treaty operation, Amwins Re was conceived and operates as a true stand-alone facultative specialist. While many of our competitors function primarily as conduits on business generated by their retail parent, Amwins Re produces its own business directly from a diverse, national client base of insurance carriers, retail and wholesale brokers and managing general agents. We administer our submissions, accounting and claims through our proprietary facultative software known as “Profac” which provides a seamless integration of placement, accounting and claims documentation that ensures a measure of speed and accuracy that is without peer in facultative brokerage.

In addition to our expertise in transactional facultative placements, Amwins Re is fully engaged in the production and administration of niche program business. These programs bring together “A” rated carriers, reinsurers and managing general agents in such diverse areas as habitational, municipalities, motor truck cargo, auto physical damage, excess and surplus property, workers’ compensation buybacks and automobile carve-outs. The professional brokerage staff of Amwins Re averages over twenty years experience in facultative reinsurance and is noted for its creativity and aggressive execution in the completion of multi-layered national accounts and difficult to place exposures in property and casualty. Whatever the exposure, Amwins Re can provide the appropriate facultative solution to your risk management dilemma.

Amwins Re, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amwins Group, Inc. Amwins is among the largest independent wholesale distributors of specialty insurance products in the U.S. dedicated to serving retail insurance agents by providing property and casualty products, specialty group benefit products, and administrative services. Based in Charlotte, N.C., the company has 7,300 employees, operates through more than 155 offices globally and handles premium placements in excess of $33 billion annually.